Thursday, 7 May 2020

Lockdown Lunches made by me

I have been making lunches for all my family everyday during Lockdown.  There are 7 people in my family that I have to feed.  Mum helps me with some ingredients.  Some things I have made are:

  • Pumpkin soup (photos below)
  • Mince pasties - with leftover Nacho mince from tea.
  • Baked Potato with spaghetti
  • Chicken Wraps
  • Pizza
  • Toasties


  1. Hi Quinn
    It looks like you have been very busy feeding your family and the soup looks delicious. Being able to cook a yummy lunch is such a great skill to have and I bet your family really appreciate it.
    Have you tried making cheese scones to go with your pumpkin soup? They are great for dunking!
    Mrs Devlin

  2. Hi Quinn- What an awesome help you've been to help feed your large family! Do you have any plans to cook something for your Mum for Mother's Day?

  3. Hello Quinn,
    That is a very extensive list of meals that you have supplied. Apart from cooking for your family have you thought of cooking for other groups of people? What about cooking for a shearing gang? I think you would be very good at that. Cheers Miss B

  4. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. thanks Trinity

  5. Greetings, Quinn! My name is Dewi from St Patrick's school, that is a scrumptious catalog of items you have there! Have you tried loaded fries? It tastes amazing, have a splendid day!

  6. hi my name is noah from stpatricks school and i like how you put down all the ingedice and your photos are good and helpful to see what you were doing mabby you could ckeek out my blog but outher wise good job

  7. Hi My name is Nicky I really like the look of your food and I think that you should make some Apple Turnover they are delious.


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