Friday, 26 July 2019

Elf’s name

Leader of the Elf’s : elffy

Elf warrior 1 : Dark Time

Elf warrior 2 : warlord

Elf med : ember

One sloppy day a dirt biker named Max was bobbing  down a swamp on one tyer, SUDDENLY a huge swamp monster appeared
It had trees  on its back and moss on its tummy its name was

Swampasuris rex. It was going to stomp on max but all  of a sudden 4 elfs
came swinging on vines and started attacking the monster with small swords and axes.
then the Elf leader gave max a big hammer so max swung on a vine and  hit the monster and it head fell
off and max went to his home. the end  

By Rebecca , Zac , Quinn…Troy

Tuesday, 23 July 2019


the weird thing a kade.

The wonderful I went in the sae.

kam to school

Friday, 5 July 2019